The journey of sobriety or questioning your relationship with alcohol can feel singular, isolating, personal and also exciting in it’s opportunity to connect with others in this space. Sometimes we develop a kind of tunnel vision where we focus so much on our own personal experience that we forget to look outside ourselves and our community to see what other’s are experiencing.
The sober space is diverse, but it oftentimes feels white centered. Our goal is to also open a conversation where black and brown voices are amplified. Just as sobriety now is not only approached from traditional recovery programs, neither are the people coming into the space, or looking for it, singular in nature.
As a space that has always aimed to be truly inclusive, Sans Bar is taking steps to open up the conversation.
Friday the 10th we are partnering with Structures of Self , an environmental wellness brand by Subjective Sobriety creator Aubrey Stark-Miller , to open up a conversation on being Black and Booze Free. Join us for a panel discussion with a range of Black voices who don’t drink alcohol. The event will be on zoom and live-streamed on Facebook.