Donate to Recover Alaska
Recover Alaska has been working hard to be a core resource and support system for Alaskans and their communities. We have been building a foundation that allows us to advocate for better safeguards, invest in prevention that helps decrease the need for services, connect people to help, and champion people in or seeking recovery.
For the first time in 10 years, we are asking for additional support on behalf of our friends and supporters, and opening Recover Alaska up to direct personal donations. If our mission and work speak to you, please consider sharing a financial gift.
If you choose to donate, your funds will be used to provide the resources and support you see throughout our site. We also offer our events free of charge and would like to continue doing so. Your help would allow us to fulfill this need.
Your donated funds will come through the Alaska Community Foundation and are tax deductible. If you would like to give, please do so at the link below.