We Do This Through
Access to Care
Advocating for Change
Shifting Perceptions
Working Upstream
Why It Matters
Alaskans have long known that our state has an alcohol problem that needs to be addressed. We are dying from alcohol at rates well over twice as high as the national average - nearly 10 times the national rate among Alaska Native people. Alcohol use costs our state nearly $2.4 billion every year, and has been identified as the top health issue for Alaskans in communities across the state. It directly and indirectly affects individuals, their loved ones, and society as a whole.
Our belief is that change is not possible unless we get to the root of the alcohol overconsumption problem. We hope to do this by increasing understanding of the effects of excessive alcohol use, changing social norms about needing help and recovery, improving access to information about treatment and capturing data that will allow us to see where improvements in services and resources are needed, and building capacity across the state to increase health and wellness.Â
From investigative media partnership projects to analysis of Alaska’s alcohol statutes to sharing personal stories of individuals in recovery, we strive to break the cycle of alcohol misuse so that all Alaskans feel empowered to achieve their full potential.
We cannot tackle this alone. We take a cross-sector approach, with partners in healthcare and public health, public safety, housing, education, and preventionists working on shared risk and protective factors.Â
Our funding partners include the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, Mat-Su Health Foundation, Providence Alaska Foundation, Rasmuson Foundation, State of Alaska Department of Health, Southcentral Foundation, and University of Alaska Anchorage.