Calricaraq, translated “Healthy Living”, is a culturally-based program utilizing Yup’ik culture, values, and traditions to address health and behavioral health issues from a holistic, Indigenous approach. This 1.5-day training helps us to understand what Calricaraq is so that we can incorporate the Indigenous approach and also understand the people that we are providing services to. Participants will understand the philosophy of Calricaraq, exploring issues in Native communities by utilizing original interventions developed by Native Yup’ik professionals. The relevance of Native values and teachings from our Elders will be utilized to address issues such as depression, substance use, domestic violence, and suicide.
The February cohort will meet Wednesday, February 10 and Thursday, February 11, 9-12 and 1-5. 8.5 CME hours are available to participants.
Click here for more info. To register: February Calricaraq Registration