Join Confront White Womanhood for a 2 part training. We will come together to understand white women’s roles in white supremacy. We will be focusing on the history of white saviorism and the ways in which our methods of helping have been violent and aided racial inequalities. We will take honest looks at ourselves and our professions, examining what our motivations are and where white saviorism appears. We will conclude with a discussion on how to stay grounded in equity through mutual aid principles.
*We do not believe in creating white-only spaces; all people are welcome. However, trainings are designed for people who are or have been socialized as “white women”. This includes trans people of all genders who may have had this experience, as well as People of Color who may have been perceived as white. Please reach out with any questions.
Please reach out to The Alliance coordinator, Jess Limbird-, to sign up for this virtual training.