Calricaraq Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Condensed Training for Providers

Calricaraq, translated “Healthy Living”, is a culturally-based program utilizing Yup’ik culture, values, and traditions to address health and behavioral health issues from a holistic, Indigenous approach. This 1.5-day training helps us to understand what Calricaraq is so that we can incorporate the Indigenous approach and also understand the people that we are providing services to. Participants will understand the philosophy ...

2021 American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Health Summit

By attending this webinar, attendees will: Recognize and celebrate the inherent strengths of the AI/ANCommunity. Share information on federal, state, local, and AI/AN and UrbanIndian programs. Develop and foster new relationships between and among federal,state, and local partners and stakeholders Target audience: Tribal leaders andmembers, Urban Indian organizations, clinical and behavioral health providers, community health workers, public health professionals and ...

Alliance Integration Session

The Alliance meets once a quarter in an integration session to increase communication, support, and collaboration among Alliance workgroups and teams. Any participant may suggest a topic for a small group breakout in response to the guiding question- what are the conversations that I am eager for us to have, to move us toward our Alliance objectives? They will host ...

Sober Voices: Flow

With over 60 speakers, the story you need to hear is just around the corner.  The speakers and workshop leaders at this event will be sharing their stories, suggestions for living a more authentic, whole life, and will challenge you to think broader about your place in the world as a sober-curious or sober human. To learn more about this ...

The Global Alcohol Policy Alliance Virtual Event

The Global Alcohol Policy Alliance Virtual Event 2021 will be held 12-14 October 2021, in the same week that was originally planned for GAPC 2021. While GAPC has been postponed to 2023, the GAPA Virtual Event will offer interactive sessions in different time zones. Each day there will be a session with key-note speakers which will be followed by a ...

Healthcare Advocacy Training

Unmasking Brain Injury in Alaska is hosting an online Healthcare Advocacy Training. This event is not about how to navigate insurance plans or write your two-minute public testimony. This event is an opportunity to discuss healing our relationship to money, to consider the difference between time management and energy management, and to support building relationships that are inclusive. Dip your toes ...

Calricaraq Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Condensed Training for Providers

Calricaraq, translated “Healthy Living”, is a culturally-based program utilizing Yup’ik culture, values, and traditions to address health and behavioral health issues from a holistic, Indigenous approach. This 1.5-day training helps us to understand what Calricaraq is so that we can incorporate the Indigenous approach and also understand the people that we are providing services to. Participants will understand the philosophy ...

Alaska’s Circle of Peers

Via Zoom

For Peer Support Specialists and Recovery Coaches in Alaska. Deepen our practice and strengthen our resilience, together. Thursday mornings at 9-10 am WEEKLY A chance for: - team learning, specific to peer support skills and values - weekly review: What's working? What's not? - strengthening the recovery and peer support culture all over Alaska, in an aligned way Attendance earns ...


Soctober: People in recovery helping people

CICADA Alumni Group presents Soctober. Join us for free food, hot drinks, rock paining, and community outreach. We will be providing socks, warm gear and resource information to those in need. The event will take place October 16, 2021, 12-5, at the Cook Inlet Counseling parking lot, 10200 Kenai Spur Highway. Contact Alecia at 283-3658 for questions or more information.


Cook Inlet Counseling Parking Lot 10200 Kenai Spur Highway, Kenai, AK