Healthcare Advocacy Training

Unmasking Brain Injury in Alaska is hosting an online Healthcare Advocacy Training. This event is not about how to navigate insurance plans or write your two-minute public testimony. This event is an opportunity to discuss healing our relationship to money, to consider the difference between time management and energy management, and to support building relationships that are inclusive. Dip your toes ...

Calricaraq Indigenous Health & Wellbeing Condensed Training for Providers

Calricaraq, translated “Healthy Living”, is a culturally-based program utilizing Yup’ik culture, values, and traditions to address health and behavioral health issues from a holistic, Indigenous approach. This 1.5-day training helps us to understand what Calricaraq is so that we can incorporate the Indigenous approach and also understand the people that we are providing services to. Participants will understand the philosophy ...

Alaska’s Circle of Peers

Via Zoom

For Peer Support Specialists and Recovery Coaches in Alaska. Deepen our practice and strengthen our resilience, together. Thursday mornings at 9-10 am WEEKLY A chance for: - team learning, specific to peer support skills and values - weekly review: What's working? What's not? - strengthening the recovery and peer support culture all over Alaska, in an aligned way Attendance earns ...


Soctober: People in recovery helping people

CICADA Alumni Group presents Soctober. Join us for free food, hot drinks, rock paining, and community outreach. We will be providing socks, warm gear and resource information to those in need. The event will take place October 16, 2021, 12-5, at the Cook Inlet Counseling parking lot, 10200 Kenai Spur Highway. Contact Alecia at 283-3658 for questions or more information.


Cook Inlet Counseling Parking Lot 10200 Kenai Spur Highway, Kenai, AK

Othering and Belonging Conference

The Othering & Belonging conferences are organized by the Othering & Belonging Institute (OBI) at UC Berkeley. The OBI is a research and action center and global network that brings together researchers, community leaders, policymakers, culturemakers, and communicators to identify and challenge the barriers to an inclusive, just, and sustainable society in order to create transformative change. The Othering & ...

Alliance Open Member Meeting

Alliance Open Member Meetings are a space for wellness and prevention practitioners, community and culture workers to gather, connect and build relationship, and be guided through wellness practice and systems learning by guest facilitators. This monthly meeting is a great way for folks new to The Alliance and the concept of systems change, or for those wanting to engage in ...

Consent in Alaska: Why We Need a Change

October is designated as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and alcohol is directly linked with many instances of interpersonal violence and sexual assault. Check out the work of this organization and join the event below: Join Representative Geran Tarr, sponsor of Alaska's Consent Bill (HB 5) and Keeley Olson for a conversation about Alaska's outdated consent laws - and talk about ...

Alaska’s Circle of Peers

Online Via Zoom

For Peer Support Specialists and Recovery Coaches in Alaska. Deepen our practice and strengthen our resilience, together. Zoom link


Meeting of Men

This is a meeting for men to get together and discuss their needs, wants, success and struggles. People in recovery need connection, meaning, belonging, purpose and stability. This group is a place to find those things.
