Harm Reduction 2.0: Beyond the Needle

This two day workshop will be held September 26th & 27th at Alaska Pacific University, Atwood Center, 4455 University Dr, Anchorage, AK 99508


Increase understanding of Harm Reduction: definition, examples, principles
Challenge our concept of ‘non-judgmental care’
Understanding risk-taking and why we engage in behaviors that we know could harm us
Challenging our understanding of substance use and addiction
Understanding behavior in context, reviewing social structures that impact our decisions
Identify community needs, gaps, challenges and solutions

Please RSVP for the workshop by registering online (free) for planning purposes.

Register at: https://harm-reduction-training.eventbrite.com
Password: ANTHC2018
Please contact us to confirm space availability before forwarding the invitation to others

To apply for travel support or if you have any questions contact

Jennifer at jjwilliamson@anthc.org or 907-729-4596.