Day 001
The Day 001 video series addresses how recovery from alcohol misuse has led to positive outcomes for individuals and families in Alaska. The series motivates those struggling with addiction to seek help and educates community members about their role in the solution.
Recover Alaska has learned the messages of Day 001 videos have a stronger and more meaningful impact when you’re able to have conversations with others after viewing. If you would like to host a screening of the videos, we can provide the resources to do so. Below is a link to download our Screening Toolkit. This toolkit can help you lead a short discussion to educate people about the resources available in your community. These discussions illuminate how everyone can get involved in creating an environment where Alaskans are free from the consequences of alcohol misuse.
These films have been made possible by support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and produced by Video Dads in collaboration with Koahnic Broadcasting. They won a Northwest Regional Emmy Award in 2016 for Community Public Service (PSAs).