Alliance December Data and Learning Workgroup

Via Zoom

Alliance Data and Learning Workgroup: the main aim of this workgroup is to "Increase equity and justice in data collection and decision-making by promoting community-based data collection practices." If you are interested is attending please email Rebecca Van Wyck to be added to the calendar invite!

Alliance November Data and Learning Workgroup

Via Zoom

Alliance Data and Learning Workgroup: the main aim of this workgroup is to "Increase equity and justice in data collection and decision-making by promoting community-based data collection practices." If you are interested is attending please email Rebecca Van Wyck to be added to the calendar invite!

Alaska’s Circle of Peers

Via Zoom

For Peer Support Specialists and Recovery Coaches in Alaska. Deepen our practice and strengthen our resilience, together. Thursday mornings at 9-10 am WEEKLY A chance for: - team learning, specific to peer support skills and values - weekly review: What's working? What's not? - strengthening the recovery and peer support culture all over Alaska, in an aligned way Attendance earns ...
