Moment to Moment: Teens Growing up with FASD

The featured movie, Moment to Moment: Teens Growing Up with FASDs, is a documentary film that takes in intimate and eye-opening journey into the lives of four adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs), their families, and friends. Their impaired brain function can make it much harder to meet the typical demands of social relationships and independence and many individuals …

Ketchikan: Stomp the Stigma Recovery March and Resource Rally

Join us at the community connections parking lot with signs and posters and with your voice! We will marching at 12:15 together to show that we are not alone, we do recover and there IS HOPE in recovery. If you or anyone you have ever known has ever suffered or is suffering from a mental health or substance use disorder …

Millennials Are Sick of Drinking

On January 20, 2017, Cassie Schoon rolled into work with a hangover. It was the morning of Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration, and Schoon, who doesn’t count herself among the president’s fans, had gone out for drinks with friends the night before to take her mind off it. The evening’s distraction left her in pretty rough shape the next day. “I …

How Alaska schools can help students dealing with trauma

In January, the state put out a new resource designed to help schools support students who have experienced trauma. “Transforming Schools” recommends practices such as embracing culture in the classroom and teaching students how to calm themselves down when they get upset. Educators are hoping the resource can help schools can do a better job meeting the needs of Alaskan …

As Problem Drinking Rises In Older Americans, Geriatrician Offers Tips For Those Who Imbibe Over 65

According to epidemiologists at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), older adults are drinking alcohol more than ever before. The organization’s 2017 study, published in JAMA Psychiatry, found that problem drinking is on the rise among older Americans. And it’s a dangerous trend for many seniors. In fact, according to the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence (NCADD), some 11% of elderly …