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Advocacy Training Seminar

October 15, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Recover Alaska would like to invite you to our inaugural Advocacy Training Seminar. There are many ways to achieve social change and understanding how to properly navigate the advocacy framework is paramount to success. Recover Alaska would like to guide you through the fundamentals of grassroots advocacy and steer you clear of any pitfalls you may face. Please see below for our full training schedule led by individuals with extensive knowledge in the field.

1:00 pm Brief introduction from Recover and the purpose of the training

1:10 pm Mike Walsh Vice President of Public Policy with Foraker Group: Why advocacy is important and explaining the advocacy/lobbying continuum.

3:10 pm Teri Tibbett from Alaska Mental Health Board/Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse: The importance of the personal story in advocacy.

3:40 pm Tom Lucas Campaign Disclosure Coordinator, Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC): Educational material (advocacy) versus lobbying and answering questions on this subject

4:00 pm End


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October 15, 2020
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm