The Wild is a race against time, where the hard-fought-for/hard-won protections for Bristol Bay now seem as fleeting as morning mist. Focused through the lens of Mark Titus’ inherent love for wild salmon, the conflict in Alaska becomes a harbinger to a larger, global question: How do we reconcile human separation from the natural world that sustains us – and if we can change course – how do we save what remains? How do you save what you love?
By suddenly dismantling safeguards the EPA had enacted to protect the salmon, water and people of Bristol Bay – the current political regime in the United States has unilaterally revived a mining corporation’s relentless pursuit to build North America’s largest open-pit copper mine – directly in the headwaters of the most prodigious wild sockeye salmon run in the world.
Join Defend Bristol Bay for a screening of The Wild, the follow-up film to the 2014 award-winning documentary, The Breach. A panel discussion will follow the film.
Free appetizers and cash bar will be provided. Event is free to the public, but space is limited so a RESERVED TICKET IS REQUIRED.
For more information and to get tickets, go here.