The Alliance, monthly meeting

The Alliance: United to prevent alcohol misuse and promote community wellness meets monthly to engage with members, provide updates, gather feedback on proposals, and support the various aspects of our current work. These meetings are open. Please request a link to the virtual meeting by emailing Alliance coordinator, Jess Limbird at

FASD Changemakers: Lay of the Land Survey #2

The Adult Leadership Committee (ALC) of FASD Changemakers has done it again!  Following the official publication* of their Lay of the Land Survey #1 which focused on the health of 500+ adults with a diagnosis of FASD, they have now completed a 350+ question Lay of the Land Survey #2: What Really Matters - Life as We Live It of 450 adults with FASD.  ...


Preparing Together

This free workshop will explore themes of healing, fierce vulnerability, and transformative justice in order to build community and strengthen relationship among Alaska's youth organizers. It will also provide an introduction to Kingian and Gandhian nonviolence and skill-building around conflict resolution. Presenters include: -Sandra Bass, who has been engaged in social justice facilitation, training, practice, and scholarship for over 25 ...

Talk Saves Lives Presentation

A Brief Introduction to Firearms and Suicide Prevention. Suicide can be prevented. This presentation will cover what we know about this leading cause of death, the most up-to-date research on prevention, and what we can all do to fight suicide. Participants will learn the common risk factors for suicide, how to spot the warning signs in others, and how to ...

From Data to Practice Series: YRBS Results on Alcohol Use and the Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP)

The From Data to Practice Series, hosted by the Alaska Children’s Trust (ACT), offers an opportunity to learn how Alaska’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) results are used to inform programs, policies, and priorities across Alaska. Each webinar will provide a review of select 2019 YRBS topics and results; information on programs, projects, and resources available across Alaska; followed by ...

Alcohol Awareness Tools for You!

Are you looking for tools and templates to tailor for your advocacy efforts and alcohol awareness campaigns? Drop-in and join us for this On-the-Spot Consultation with Mary Segawa. Using new materials being made available, she will share tips and tools to enhance your efforts to prevent the harms associated with alcohol use during this interactive zoom session. This session will ...

COVID-19 and Alcohol Use Disorder in Diverse Communities Webinar

ORO Region 10 will host the first in a three-part webinar series on the impacts of COVID-19 on Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in Diverse Communities. This webinar will increase awareness of not only HRSA resources for behavioral health, but also state and local resources to prevent and treat AUD. We will provide an overview of the system of delivery in ...

COVID-19 and Alcohol Use Disorder in Diverse Communities

By attending this webinar, attendees will: Receive information on HRSA's mission, programs, and resources, nationally and in Region 10 Explore impacts of COVID-19 on Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) Increase awareness for AUD prevention and treatment strategies and promising practices within diverse communities Learn to address AUD within diverse communities Share experiences and expertise regarding alcohol use disorder within racial ethnic ...

Calricaraq Indigenous Health & Wellbeing, April cohort

Calricaraq, translated "Healthy Living", is a culturally-based program utilizing Yup'ik culture, values, and traditions to address health and behavioral health issues from a holistic, Indigenous approach. This 1.5-day training helps us to understand what Calricaraq is so that we can incorporate the Indigenous approach and also understand the people that we are providing services to. Participants will understand the philosophy ...

FASD Across the Lifespan: Preschool and Social Development, Spotlight on Developing Social Skills

This series, developed by the Alaska Center for Resource Families and the Alaska Center for Children and Adults will host a new online training, FASD Across the Lifespan. Funded by the AK DHSS FASD program and the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, the 7-part series features FASD content specialists from across Alaska. Though the content will center the needs of ...