Sam’s Journey to Recovery


Sam Garcia

Where are you from:

Anchorage, Alaska

How long have you been sober?

No mind-altering substances since April 8th 2016

What inspired you to find recovery?

The feeling of waking up in prison and not recognizing the man I saw in the mirror anymore. I was a shell of the person I once was. My addiction had robbed me of my morals, my finances, my health and had stolen me away from my loved ones. After multiple DUI’s and drug charges my life had become completely unmanageable. It was then I saw the need for a change. I saw others that had found recovery and I followed in their footsteps to find something I was unable to find on my own.

What inspires you to stay sober?

My past has become one of my biggest strengths in my recovery. By not shutting the door on my past it has become a great asset that allows me to help others and is a reminder of why I choose to keep my recovery a priority in my life.

Biggest surprise or best part of sobriety you weren’t expecting?

All of it. I came into recovery with my own plan. But my higher power had another path for me. Today I GET to be part of a beautiful family. I have a two-year-old son who has never had to see me under the influence or incarcerated. My friendships today are pretty amazing. They no longer revolve around what they can do for me or I can do for them. In my recovery I have found myself in peer support working with others with substance use disorder. It is the greatest feeling to help others climb out of the pit of addiction that I once was in myself and see them find their path to a better life.

Advice for those contemplating recovery?

If I can climb out of that pit and find recovery it is possible for anyone. No matter how far down you find yourself there is always hope and there are many of us out there that want to help you find your path. Reach out to another person in recovery and never let pride hold you back from becoming the person you want to be.

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use you can reach me or another peer at any time by calling (907) 802-0043 or email at [email protected]