I was binge drinking because I felt/knew that I could be more than I believed I was. I simply could not access my core worth and value and even my dignity. Over 30 years ago, I had been on a weekend binge that included a trip to Sitka, AK for a meeting. I barely remember the flights, but when I …
I Found a New Peace
Shirley Gover of Nikolai shares her story of alcohol misuse and recovery. Unhappy with her life and worried about her health, she gives her life over to God and begins again. In recovery, she works to re-establish broken relationships with her children, parents, and family. By forgiving herself, she is able to find a new peace. See the video.
I am truly grateful
Everything was falling apart. I was about to drop out of school (again), I was about to get fired from my job (again), and every time I turned around someone else I loved was dying from the disease of addiction. All for a drink, a drug, an escape from reality. I was so insecure, anxious, and depressed that I couldn’t …
I Knew It Was Time to Change
Before recovery, I was broken in every which way. What made me realize I had a huge problem was when my family didn’t want to be around me anymore. From drinking all day and night, to landing in the ER multiple times and missing work, I knew it was time to get help. I knew it was time to change, …
The Moment I Quit Drinking, I Was Born Again
I wasn’t my true self. People lost trust and respect for me. I lied to cover up my addiction. I stole money for my next drink. I carried bottles of hard liquor in my purse so I could have enough to drink, but it was never enough. I was homeless. I lost my apartment because I didn’t want to pay …
Wake Up, Show Up, Don’t Give Up, Sober is Doper
In my addiction, it was the biggest misrepresentation of who I truly was- as a human being, son, brother, father, and friend. I wore layers of masks to hide to the world who Jason really was. I dwelled in self-pity and used shame to keep myself stuck in my addiction, in a pit. I got complacent and comfortable in this …
I Love and Trust Myself Again
In one year, I survived extreme violent trauma, a family crisis, and the death of my father. I was left to pick up the pieces of my soul, but I had no healthy coping skills. I turned to alcohol and drugs to numb my deep pain, PTSD, and sorrow. I also suffered from bulimia. My addictions caused so many new …
Recovery is a Beautiful Thing
My name is Wesley, and I am a person in long-term recovery. What that means for me is that I have not used a mind-altering substance since February 6th, 2013. I was actively addicted to drugs, alcohol and a lifestyle of crime for 12 years. I lived to use and used to live. My life in addiction revolved around getting, …
Set Free Alaska Open House – Valley Oaks Residential Treatment Center
Please join us in celebrating the opening of Set Free Alaska’s Women’s Residential Treatment Center. This will be a special time of dedication, honoring the funders and supporters who helped make this center possible.